
It's coming...are you ready??

8th of May

The Long Stretch Boys are coming to a town

near you!!

140 prisons, 3200 miles in 14 days
...2 governors and 2 bikes.

This is the Long Stretch

The long stretch is in aid of two charities, The Willow Foundation and Cancer Research UK; it involves our two governors traveling to every prison in England and Wales in a time span of 14 days.

Through research we have found that if every prison officer gives just £1 our event could raise approximately £27.000 which would be split between the two chosen charities.

However we need your help as well, by donating you can help cancer suffers, and there families potentially overcome the treatment and the trauma that affects the whole family network. Whilst potentially providing money to aid new advances in cancer research and provide a special day through the help and support of the Willow Foundation. If you could spare just £1 you could help with research into cancer treatments also help to give a seriously ill young adult the opportunity to receive a special day and the chance to feel normal for a precious hours.